Participant Code of Conduct
This code of conduct applies to all Alert K9 events, including but not limited to trials, workshops, classes, sniff-and-goes, seminars, and private lessons. Participants are expected to always adhere to this code not only during the active participation of their dogs but also while on Alert K9 premises.
General Behaviour
Sportsmanship: Participants must conduct themselves in a sportsmanlike manner, showing respect to fellow competitors and their dogs.
Anti-harassment: Any form of harassment, bullying, or intimidation is strictly prohibited.
Cleanliness: Always clean up after your dog and dispose of waste properly.
Leashes: Dogs should be always kept on a leash or under control when not actively participating.
Treatment of Dogs
No Physical Abuse: The use of physical force against a dog is strictly prohibited.
No Verbal Abuse: Chastising or berating dogs is strictly prohibited.
Collars: The use of prong, shock, or choke collars is prohibited on Alert K9 event premises.
Respect: Dogs must always be treated with respect and dignity.
Health: Participants must ensure their dogs are fit to compete/participate, in good health, and free from any contagious conditions.
Corrections & Punishment: In our classes, we do not use correction (like leash pulls or stern voices) or punishment (like reprimands or physical actions).
These methods can cause fear and anxiety, which hinder the learning process and are counterproductive to building confidence and enthusiasm in your dogs.
Instead, we focus on rewarding the behaviours we want and ignoring or redirecting those we don’t.
This positive approach strengthens your bond with your dog and creates a more effective, enjoyable training experience.
Treatment of Alert K9 Volunteers and Trial Staff
Interaction with Volunteers: Participants must not speak down to volunteers.
Volunteers who are competitors: Respect must be shown to trial staff, who are often also competitors, especially when they are handling their canines.
Feedback: Constructive feedback should be delivered respectfully and privately.
Reporting Breaches of the Code of Conduct
If you observe a situation that breaches this code of conduct, log your complaint with the Trial Chair and/or the Owner of Alert K9.
Potential Outcomes of Code Violations
Dismissal: Immediate dismissal from the event without a refund.
Ban: Denied entry into all future Alert K9 events.
No Appeals: Note that there will be no appeal process for these decisions.
Formal Complaints: In severe cases, a formal complaint may be lodged with the relevant canine sports governing body.
By adhering to this code of conduct, we aim to create a safe, respectful, and enjoyable environment for all participants, dogs, and volunteers, ensuring the highest standards of integrity and sportsmanship at all our events.